Saturday, August 22, 2009

I had to admit...

.....I've been lazy to update my blog// shot

let's make a Q&A thingy of myself to myself >w<

Q: So how's the weather Carmen? O.O

A: Oh the weather have been pleasant not!! It's been so hot during summer and I was wondering how can I survive in Malaysia's weather and not in Canada! My dad bought a tiny portable fan for $40 just to put in the living room. Few days ago a storm appeared and tornado hit other areas and lucky my area is not.. we were worried and try to get the news and radio but everything subsided so far I heard only 1 death occured..sad =(

Q: I'm sorry to hear that..what have you been doing lately?
A: I'm just working part-time at McD to earn some money and I'm gonna use it to buy an ipod (cause I'll be traveling to college soon). Other than that I will online (check DA website, play gaiaonline, watch anime, read manga, drawing, etc). Oh now we finally get our own tv antenna but dad placed it on the backyard floor instead of the roof ~~silly him and now the tv is pretty 'I-call-it-siz
zly' at least my cousins get to watch their favourite cartoon shows (my mum babysit them)

Q: So when are you going to college?
A: I just got my college schedule online! woot! My orientation will be on Septmember 1st and college starts on September 8th. I'm going for one-year Art Fundamental program at Sheridan college :D for now I will stay home and travel with several buses and trains (yes very far

Q: Anything you wanna add before you leave?
A: Oh yes please wish
Melody C a Happy Birthday because her birthday is on August 28th :D

and I miss you guys who are in Malaysia *huggies*!!!!!!!

Q: Wait! before you really leave can you show us some of your latest artwork? >o<
A: haha sure ^^ ..... this is Mr.Emotion, gaia pet and I named him pupu ^o^