Saturday, June 6, 2009

Don't Say Lazy

sigh I wanted to tell to myself, "Don't say lazy" <----the ending is awesome! anyway yeah that is the lastest anime, K-ON that I found out at Anime North
and I really like it! I love Ritsu, the drummer gal~~haha

not only that I'm obsessed with APH (Axis Power Hetalia)~google it! XD
and I've been trying drawing each of every countries but unfortunately they don't have Malaysia yet..sigh..anyway check it out at my DA gallery ^o^

sorry for a short update cause school is gonna over soon and busy with exams by next 2 weeks! >o<

anyway dad is coming back to Malaysia for this Sunday and going back to Canada on June 19th cause grandma would not live long...please pray for her salvation! and safe journey for my dad....