Thursday, September 30, 2010

Yay ^^

Happy day for me ^^

the packages which I ordered from amazon has finally-took-too-long to arrive
I was frustrated because the 1st attempt the delivery guy just post a note that he will come the next day but dunno which time =.= and for 2nd attempt, me and Larissa M waited at the lobby after class but they never come and at least this guy have a brain to buzz the office for signature (3rd attempt)

but I still wanna order more after my next paycheck =P

and horse drawing day!
Medium: ink pen+water brush+sketchbook


Aaron Fryer said...

heey, I'm a 2nd year in sheridan. I really like your stuff so far, and you have great taste in art books ; >

keep those horses coming!

karumen-chan said...

@Aaron hey thanks I think I do have you in FB but we never met and chat in rl D:

I need more practice thanks ^^
and I love those 2 animation movies
I will order others more when I have the money =D

Dakota Zima said...

Yay horses! :D

karumen-chan said...

@dakota lol nice icon :P

thanks ^^

May Fan said...

and really?
books come pretty fast, and painlessly for me >:3
May I take a peek at your new books when I visit??

karumen-chan said...

@May haha sure you're always welcome to my apartment ^^