Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My first post!

After arrival in a new land, Canada. I really enjoy the scenery, peaceful place and friendly neighborhood, the western food especially (pizzas, hot dogs, bacons, etc) and not to mention they are very independent. If you are 17 years old and above, you are considered and treated as an adult. Wow O_O

Anyway everything is fine here. Weather is cold especially at night even though it's summer now. BTW I will be obtaining Social Insurance Number (SIN) card by next week and I will be able to work =)

Oh yeah! we had strawberries from USA after dinner! (slightly smaller than your knuckle). Here I drew one >_<

Till then,


New Horizon said...

Glad you are enjoying yourself there. Western food tastes better in western country...but i am willing to bet you will start missing all the food back in malaysia ...thank God you got your mummy

karumen-chan said...

lol you made me sound like a kid..haha yeah maybe..then I need you ship Malaysian food to Canada! =D